You really can change people's lives if you care enough
Please make a financial donation via an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Our details are as follows:
- Account holder: Camdeboo Hospice
- Banking details: Camdeboo Hospice, Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd
Graaff-Reinet Branch Code: 050 116
Account Number: 082 511 403
Type of Account: Current - Reference: Your name and ‘donation’
All donations will be gratefully acknowledged and a Section 18A tax refund certificate will be issued.
You can also pay via PayFast. Click here for the link.
You can help meet our patients’ needs by donating items such as toiletries & towels, sheets & blankets, pajamas & socks
You can donate items for our income-generating projects such as
- Good quality clean clothing & shoes for all ages
- Household items f every description, jewelry & handbags, curtains, etc
- Adults & childrens’ books on every topic in any language
You can donate your time by joining the roster of volunteers to help with the sorting and pricing of our donations and manning the weekly sales.