March 2023 – newsletter

                           18 Church Square PO Box 463 Graaff- Reinet 6280___________________________________________________________PBO No. 930003694                 Email: NPO No. 020-697 -NPO                                 Telephone:    +27 49 892 4608                                                                                                                   VAT No. 4330277304           Cellphone:     +27 76 510 1042   


The new year is well under way, but welcome to our new Hospice year and we hope you will enjoy reading this newsletter.


This year as a result of our renewed links with the Department of Health, there has been increased co-operation between Hospice and the clinic in the Horseshoe which is just across the road from Hospice. We help them with the distribution of medication to patients who are also on our patient list. One of our caregivers has received further practical training at the clinic. Two of the clinic’s home based caregivers will shadow our caregivers so that they may learn from us about palliative care and a health awareness seminar will be held at the clinic as a part of Hospice awareness. Our manager has for some months been helping the manager of Kwanomzamo Home-based Care Organization in the Jeffrey’s Bay – Humansdorp area to become compliant with all the protocols required to get a Health Department grant. Our PR staff member has held a successful health issues’ meeting with the staff of the Camdeboo National Park and has been invited to stage a follow up meeting. A what’s app group amongst Hospice and the local clinics has been established.


The number of patients currently being cared for has dropped slightly to 90 owing to the sad passing of 8 patients over the past three months. Our condolences to their families. Seven new patients have been admitted and 4 were discharged just before the beginning of the new year.

Although the office was closed from before Christmas until just after new year so that caregivers and management could have a well-deserved break, the sister and enrolled nurse were on call during the break.


Most disappointing news is that Lotto did not renew our funding as it so often does owing to the fact that there was a shortfall in funding available to the Eastern Cape. So we are on our knees again.

Nonetheless fundraising is in full swing. We Started with a Valentine’s Ball on 11 February. My, did the people enjoy the dancing. Some seemed never to sit out a dance. Unfortunately, not nearly enough people bought tickets. It brought in about R 6 000. At the end of February, a stoep coffee morning and sale brought in over R1000.

These are small figures, but every little helps. On 13 March there was an outing with Paleontologist Bruce Rubidge to the ‘Wellwood’ fossil museum and a walk in a river bed to find fossil remains, as well as a visit to the stone statues outside Nieu-Bethesda where the Sculptor, RynoGreef, gave a brief talk. The big fundraiser for the year is Hike and Hobble from the top of Ouberg to Nieu-Bethesda via Rietpoort. It is hoped to attract cyclists as well as hikers and hobblers and to raise over R200 000. On the calendar are concerts by the Grey High School Jazz Band and orchestra.

 Funding proposals have also been made to Petro SA, Randburg Coin Fund, Elton John Aids Foundation, SMS Portal and Gold Rush. We have been granted funding by the Iqraa Trust to cover operating cost for 2 months. Books and Bric-a-Brac continue to pour in. We are very thankful for corporate and personal generosity.


Please become a friend of Hospice at R30 per month (about the price of one coffee a month at a coffee shop) or R 360 a year. If you are a Friend already, thank you and please remember to pay your annual subscription which could bring us in about R15000 a year.


You may remember the story of the patient who was told he would never be able to walk again, well he is now doing a bit of light gardening in his veggie garden!


Tel: 049 892 4608                              email:

Manager: 076 5101042

PR: 072 427 9294


Date:                                       6/7 May 2023

Distance:                                50 km approx.

Time length:                           1 or 2 days for hikers. 1 day for cyclists. [Accommodation can be

                                                   arranged for 2 day hikers at Rietpoort Farm or they may return to

       Town and start at Rietpoort Farm for day 2.]

Start:                                       Top of Ouberg pass on Murraysburg Road just after Nieu- 

Bethesda/Dassiesfontein turn off at top of pass.

Waterpoints at regular intervals. Starting bottle of water will be supplied.

End:                                          Tennis Club, Nieu-Bethesda, where refreshments will be available.

Closing date for entries:      8 April 2023.

Entry sponsorship:                This is a hike or cycle event not a race. Each entrant is asked to  

obtain sponsorship for as close to R1000 as possible for Camdeboo

Hospice Funds. Sponsored money may be treated as a donation and a                                      tax certificate can be issued.

Assistance:                               A nursing sister and a paramedic available.

Payment: By EFT to

Camdeboo Hospice

                   Standard Bank

                   Graaff-Reinet; Branch code: 050116

                   Account number: 082 511 403

                   Reference: Your name plus H&H [e.g. Smith H&H] N.B. This is important.

Afternoon before:                    At 16h00 on afternoon of 5 April in the car park behind PICK and PAY,

                                                    the generous sponsors of this event, cash payments maybe receipted

                                                     and goody bags and T-shirts issued. [Pick and Pay is in Church Street

                                                     on the eastern side. Turn east down Middle Street to reach Pick and

                                                     Pay car park.]

Queries:                                     Please use contact numbers above or email.

n Sesde van die jaar is verbyenhiermeesaam is onseerstenuusbrief van die jaarenons hoop om u daarmee op hoogtete bring van wat by Hospice gebeur.


Bande met die Departement van Gesondheid is vanjaarhernu. Dit is nie net deurhullebefondsing van Hospice, maar deurgrotersamewerkingtussenonsen die klinieke, veral in die Perdeskoen.Onsbeoog om hullebehulpsaamte wees met  aflewering van medikasienaonspasiente. Een van onsversorgers het bykomstigeopleiding by die Perdeskoenkliniekgekryen twee van die kliniek se versorgers  isdeuronsoorpalliatiewesorgingelig.. Hospice salook ‘n seminaaroorgesondheiedsbewustheid by die kliniek lei. Onsbestuurder het oor ‘n paarmaande die bestuurder van Kwanomzamo Home-Bsed Care Organization, met die vereistes van die provinsialegesondheidsdepartementgehelpsodathullebefondsingsalkankry.


Onspasientgetalle het n afgeneemnadatons 8 patients die afgelope 3 maandeaan die doodafgestaan het. Ons dink aan die families gedurendehierdiehartseertyd. 7 nuwepasiente is toegelaaten 4 is ontslaan. Huideligversorgonsongeveer 90 pasiente per maand.

Alhoewelonsgedurende die Kerstydtoegemaak het sodatalmal n welverdienderuskongeniet, was die Verpeegpersoneel op bystand om die nodigeversorgingteverskaf.


Dit was n grootteleurstelling om teverneemdat die Lotto onsniehierdiekeergaanbefondsnieaangesiendaarniegenoegfondsebeskikbaar was vir die OosKaapnie. So ons is weer op onskniee, maar gloenvertroudatonssalontvangsoosonsnodig het vir die versorging van onsgemeenskap.

Des nie teen staande die feitdatonsdaagliksafhanklik is van U ondersteuning, is onsfondsinsamelingsprojekte in volleswang.

Op 11 Februarie het ons n “Valentines Dance” aangebieden die ondersteuners het ditgeweldiggeniet. Sommigepaartjies het omtrent die hele aandgedans op die lekkermusiek.  Hierdiegeleentheid het ongeveer R6700 opgelewer.

N Koffieen “muffin” oggend is gehougedurendeFebruarieenverkope van boekeenanderartikels het meer as n R1000 opgelewer. Donderdagoggend 6 April maakonsweer so.

Alhoewel die bedraeniegroot is nie, maakdit to n verskil.

Op 13 Maart het Bruce Rubidge n groepondersteunersnaWelwood se fosiel museum geneemen is daar in die rivier loop nafossielegesoek. In Nieu Bethesda het RynoGreef die groepmeeringeligrondomdieklipmense wat hygebou het.

Gedurende die naweek van 6 en 7 Mei het Hospice weerhulgrootfondsinsameling ,genaamd Hike & Hobble, ensienonsdaarnauit om nie net stappershierdiejaarteverwelkomnie, maar ookFietsryers. So komenhobbelsaam met onshierdiejaar. Op die 6de vertrek die groepvanaf die Dassiesfonteinafdraaibo by Ouberg op die Murraysburg pad naNieu Bethesda via Rietpoort. Onsgaanpoog om ongeveer R200 000 in tesamel. Ondersteunonsgerus, as u nie self kandeelneemnieondersteun die deelnemersdeurhullefinansieelteondersteun, aangesiendaarverwag word van deelnemers om ongeveer R1000 elk in tesamel.

Daargaanookweerhierdiejaar 2 konsertedeur Grey High School aangebied word. Verskeieaanoekevirbefondsing is gedoenen wag onsvir die uitslag.

Baiedankievir n iederen n elk se ondersteuning.


Ondersteunonsassebliefdeur n vriend van Camdeboo Hospice te word as u niealreedseen is nie.

Teen die prys van n koppiekoffieeenmaal n maand (R30) of R360 vir n jaarkan u n vriend word. Indien u alreedseen is, moenievergeet om u lidmaatskapfooietebetaalnie. Dit help Hospice en bring ongeveer R15000 in per jaar.


U salonthou in onsvorigenuusbrief het onsvertel van n pasient wat volgensmedisienooitweersalkan loop nieen toe weer begin beweeg het. Welhierdiepasientkannou al bietjie,bietjie in sygroentetuintjiewerk.

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